"Outside agitators, union mobsters, radical faculty instigators, and misbehaving students—will they go unpunished?"

To ask is to answer—of course they won't.

In the Social Justice faith, which provides the ruling ideology and sacred beliefs of our progressive oligarchy, Palestinians code as poor brown Oppressed (meaning: helpless victims beyond agency and responsibility) while Israelis/Jews code as white wealthy Oppressors (meaning: bearing the ultimate responsibility even for their own murders), so anyone fighting against the Jewish state is ipso facto a warrior for Justice and Equality "on the right side of History", and deserves praise not punishment. (And this goes triple for California, the Vatican of Social Justice.)

Jews once again find themselves on the wrong side of the Friend/Enemy distinction. The American liberal class, which lives in perpetual terror of being on the receiving end of a Struggle Session, won't lift a finger to help supporters of the Jewish state because their ideology and its enforcers won't allow it. Pledging fealty to Social Justice is the only way to stay employed, and Social Justice demands the erasure of the Jewish state.

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There’s a tremendous amount of pro-Palestinian stuff in English available.

Much of it is very slanted, inaccurate or just plain wrong. Someone is funding this (Iran for sure, some Arab states).

Very interesting video. I suspected there were outsiders involved.

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The efforts at this weaponization by media both social and mainstream began some time around 2017. Agent 0, if you like, was The Los Angeles Times. I don't know if forensics are required but this seems to be the Catalyst of this hate. Am Chai Yisrael.

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