The current version of antisemitism is a result of the neo-Marxist DEI "social justice" ideology that dominates North American universities, having been mandated by President Biden in the US and Prime Minister Trudeau in Canada. Dividing all of humanity into "oppressors" and "victims," Jews, along with whites and males, are assigned to the "oppressor" category, as is Israel. Whites and males are punished and partially excluded in our universities, but there are too many of them to victimize directly. Jews are few, so are ideal targets of abuse and extermination. Attacking Jews is "virtue"-signaling, for it is acting on behalf of the victims of the world. (An exception is Muslim students, whether local citizens or visiting students, who attack Jews as a religious duty. But they are good at drawing on Western discourse to camouflage their actions.) A necessary step in blocking antisemitism and Jew-hate is crushing DEI "social justice" ideology. Some of our political leaders--not in California, of course--have made efforts to suppress it. We should support this effort.

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I agree. DEI is the root of modern anti-semitism.

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All these situations remind us that elections matter as they determine which policies get implemented on campus and in society. Let's be honest here...you see this rampant antisemitism in the West in spaces occupied and controlled by Progressives...NOT Conservatives. Those who systematically vote for open borders, increased immigration from countries with large antisemitic populations and continued support for critical race theory should not be shocked to see the rise of antisemitism in their communities. They need to take a good hard look in the mirror and ask themselves, can I really vote for a candidate from a political party that celebrates politicians who espouse rampantly antisemitic views? The same applies to hiring on college campuses for which faculty are entirely responsible.

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The social justice business starts in grade school.


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Yes -- it is shocking how brazen they are.

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It is a great piece but could be a few separate pieces to be better digested. It feels as it is jumping around too much to be impactful. In my humble opinion. The first part is most chilling.

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