There is one very important fact that must be brought into this conversation to truly understand why the AAUP has abandoned their opposition to academic boycotts. It is true that many members of the AAUP have long held and advocated for radical progressive/pro Hamas/antisemitic positions vis-a-vis Israel. That fertile ground, however, was not enough by itself. You have to remember that AAUP is no longer an independent scholarly organization. AAUP merged with Randi Weingarten's AFT (American Federation of Teachers) last year. While AAUP is supposed to remain independent of AFT, the reality is that they are a wholly owned subsidiary of the radical teacher's union. AAUP's position is much like pronouncements of the "government" of Austria after the Aschluß by Germany or of the Czechoslovak "protectorate" of Nazi Germany. If you want to save the AAUP...you would have to overturn the leadership of AFT...and that is not likely given the views of the union membership.

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I can't imagine a more damning fact.

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"Should political science professors be free to exclude from their undergrad syllabi articles and studies produced by scholars from countries whose foreign or domestic policies they personally abhor?"

Why not, given that category exclusion is official policy in almost every institution following DEI "social justice" parameters which require rejection of white males, Christians and Jews, with heterosexuals accepted only grudgingly. Our universities today do exclusion exquisitely, while doing research and teaching very poorly.

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"No credible association of medical professionals would condone such actions [avoiding the best medical device because of the country that it comes from] by that surgeon."

Do not most of the American associations of medical professionals enthusiastically endorse cutting off young girls' breasts and young boys' penises because these children think it would lead to a happier life? Did not most medical associations chuck out "Do no harm" and "informed consent" during the covid hoax? Do not medical associations collaborate with pharma companies, invest in them, and legitimize them, accepting untested products, irrespective what the neglected science says, and happily gathering in the royalties? Are there any "credible" American medical associations left?

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