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It's amazing how the Soviet Union is dead yet its evil lives on after it.

Just because the ghouls of the Politburo decided to adopt a program of Jew hate 1) to cover up its own crimes and failures by aiming hatred at a (very familiar) scapegoat; and 2) in the hope of getting the Arab world on the side of its lame plan for world domination, decades later its program of Jew hate aka anti-Zionism lives on in the demented protests of the West's most miserable children, who imagine that if they chant loud enough terrorism can be transformed into some valid form of Justice and that the evils of Western Civ can be erased and atoned for if only we kill enough Jews.

"[T]he hatred of Western civilization coming from so many of its own inhabitants and beneficiaries" has been raging on America's neo-Marxist campuses for decades now, I'm glad that Sam Harris and people like him can at last acknowledge this, but it's too bad that it took a Hamas takeover of the Ivy League for it to finally become impossible to deny.

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