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This is not a relatively narrow issue of the Jewish People or the State of Israel. It is a question about the weltanschauung in North America in the 2020s. We have adopted a "social justice" framework defined by radical race and gender theory. This framework defines all categories of people, drawing on Marx's class conflict theory, as either oppressors or victims, with feminist intersectionism distinguishing degrees of victimhood. Category differences of education, income, status, fame, and accomplishment are all, according to this theory, the result of prejudice and discrimination. All categories of people who do well do so by oppressing other categories; those who do less well are victims. Jews as a category do better than most others, and so are believed to be evil bigots and discriminators, and thus do not deserve their position and should be punished and excluded. Unlike men and whites, two other oppressor categories, who are demographically powerful, Jews are a small and relatively weak group (made even weaker by internal differences and lack of solidarity), and thus an ideal target for the impositions of woke, DEI "social justice." This, to correct this prejudice and discrimination against Jews, the entire woke world view must be undermined and destroyed. Otherwise, efforts to defend North America's Jews--who do not have an army--would be futile.

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