This is very true. It must be noted, however, that faculty have a large role in hiring their peers and enabling peers whose conduct is inappropriate for the positions they hold. Administrators are part of the problem, but the reality is that the faculty as a group bear primarily responsibility for this situation.

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Thank you for highlighting both the disturbing situation on many prestigious universities and locally on our campus.

This paragraph resonates deeply:

“We must not underestimate FJP. It is a rabidly antisemitic organization which promotes campus disruptions and vandalism and contributes to the persistent and pervasive antisemitism on our campus. While faculty have freedom to associate with any reprehensible organization they choose and are free to hold the most reprehensible beliefs, they should be held accountable when those beliefs translate into reprehensible acts that violate university rules—and possibly laws. “

Supporting terrorist organizations like Hamas - who killed several Americans and continue to hold five Americans hostage - does raise potential legal issues. Providing financial support for terrorists remains a federal crime. International students violating the visa requirements can face consequences.

A second Trump administration may easily choose to enforce federal immigration laws often currently ignored. They may choose to enforce federal laws against providing material and financial support to international terrorist organizations.

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All universities' policies, as dictated by the Obama-Biden-Harris administration in the US and the Trudeau administration in Canada, validate antisemitism because they institutionalize the Marxist class conflict model of people divided between oppressors and victims. The entire DEI regime, along with its commissar enforcers, is based on this model. Who are the oppressors? Whites, Men, and, of course, Jews. So they must be suppressed, excluded, and punished. (But there are too many whites and men are too strong, so Jews, a tiny minority, get the short straw.) This same model is imposed of the Middle East, although the racial version of the model, advanced by black race activists, is entirely inapplicable. And exactly how the miniscule state of Israel in an ocean of Muslim Arabs and Iranians is an oppressor can only be explained by extensive counter-factual story-telling. In sum, antisemitism cannot be banned by universities, because it is central to their current anti-academic, "social justice" world view and policies.

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This is true. We can only effectively combat antisemitism if we acknowledge its ideological roots (DEI, cultural Marxism) and will purge our universities of DEI.

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Great summary. Takedown of JVP here:


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